Ol Doinyo Lengai

Ol Doinyo Lengai

Experience the magic of Ol Doinyo Lengai, the hidden mountain of Tanzania. With its striking beauty and unique volcanic activity, this majestic mountain offers a journey like no other. Rising above the East African Rift Valley, Ol Doinyo Lengai is the only active carbonatite volcano in the world, creating a spectacle of fiery lava flows pouring down its slopes. Its name, which means ‘Mountain of God’ in the Maasai language, perfectly captures the mystical atmosphere that surrounds this natural wonder. Step off the beaten track and venture into the untamed wilderness of Ol Doinyo Lengai. Trek through rough terrain, past boiling hot springs and ancient lava landscapes frozen in time. As you climb the mountain, feel the sense of adventure deepen until you reach the summit and witness the surreal sight of molten lava at sunrise. It’s a moment that will take your breath away. Discover a world where the forces of nature are at work, transporting you to a realm of breathtaking beauty. Ol Doinyo Lengai is a secret gem waiting to be discovered, offering an unforgettable experience to those willing to embrace its enchantment.

Day 1 - Arusha - Lake Natron

Departing Arusha in the morning you drive to Mtu-wa Mbu (Lake Manyara) for lunch. After lunch, you drive along the bottom of the Great Rift Valley wall to Lake Natron and the village of Ngare Sero at the base of Ol Doinyo Lengai. Overnight.

Day 2 - Ol Doinyo Lengai summit and back to Lake Natron Lake - Arusha Town

A very early start to gain as much height as possible in the cool of the morning. Sun hats and a large water intake are essential. Descend by the same route. Great care should be taken on the way down: loose volcanic gravel on bare rock makes it perilous going in places. Departing after breakfast you drive back to Arusha town. Drop-off.
tour company in tanzania
Amani Mahewa


Want to plan a memorable Tanzanian adventure?
Contact us. We are always here to help

Included in price

  • Professional mountain guide 
  • Park fees
  •  All activities (unless labeled as optional)
  •  All accommodations as stated in the itinerary
  •  All transportation (unless labeled as optional)
  •  All Taxes/VAT
  •  Roundtrip airport transfer
  •  All Meals (as specified in the day-by-day section)
  •  Drinking water on all days

Not included in the price

  • International flights (from/to home)
  •  Additional accommodation before and at the end of the tour
  •  Tips (tipping guideline US$20.00 pp per day)
  •  Personal items (souvenirs, travel insurance, visa fees, etc.)
  •  Government imposed increase of taxes and/or park fees
  •  Alcohol drinks

Frequently Asked Questions About Ol Donyo Lengai Trek

What is Ol Doinyo Lengai?
Ol Doinyo Lengai is an active volcano located in Tanzania, known for its unique lava that is rich in sodium carbonate, giving it a black color.
Is climbing Ol Doinyo Lengai difficult?
Climbing Ol Doinyo Lengai is considered challenging due to its steep and rugged terrain, as well as the high temperatures and lack of shade.
How long does it take to climb Ol Doinyo Lengai?
The climb typically takes around 6 to 8 hours to reach the summit and 4 to 6 hours to descend, depending on the pace of the group.
What is the best time of year to climb Ol Doinyo Lengai?
The best time to climb Ol Doinyo Lengai is during the dry season from June to October, when the weather is more stable and rainfall is minimal.
Do I need a guide to climb Ol Doinyo Lengai?
Yes, it is highly recommended to have a guide familiar with the terrain and conditions of Ol Doinyo Lengai to ensure a safe and successful climb.
What should I pack for an Ol Doinyo Lengai trek?
Pack light, breathable clothing, sturdy hiking boots, plenty of water, snacks, and sunscreen, as well as a headlamp for the early morning summit.
Are there any cultural experiences on Ol Doinyo Lengai?
Yes, you can visit nearby Maasai villages and learn about their culture, traditions, and way of life.
Can I combine an Ol Doinyo Lengai trek with a safari?
Yes, key2africa safaris offers packages that combine an Ol Doinyo Lengai trek with a safari in nearby national parks, providing a unique and adventurous experience.
Can I combine a Mount Meru trek with a safari?
Yes, Key2africa safaris offer packages that combine a Mount Meru trek with a safari in nearby national parks, providing a diverse and memorable experience.
tour company in tanzania
Amani Mahewa


Want to plan a memorable Tanzanian adventure?
Contact us. We are always here to help

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tour company in tanzania
Amani Mahewa


Want to plan a memorable Tanzanian adventure?
Contact us. We are always here to help